The month of October has been rich with updates, and other useful novelties.
Yet, Fleet Health remains one of the most active products of 360Locate and receives a lot of feedback from the community. These improvements fuel our updates and help us boost our usability immensely.
In this article, we have accumulated some of the features deployed live, while even more are waiting to be added from our staging account!
1. Simplified filters:
The filter option is one of the most useful features of the system, allowing you to narrow down the results to particular KPIs of any specific day of the week, or client.
Since the spectrum of filtered elements has increased, we’ve made a decision to hide filters from the main interface, and add a small handy icon which you can find at the top right corner of the page where filters were added.

Just click on the icon and the filters will appear.
2. Dashboard Filter on time, customer, and platform
Directly from the main Dashboard, you can now configure individual charts (dashboards) for a particular customer or several clients at a time. Moreover, you may now pre-select the integrated platform based on which an evaluation needs to be carried out.
3. Multi-select filtering issues on customer and issue type
You may now choose several different customers and several different (most relevant) issue types, based on which you will carry out your analytics.
4. Hardware multi-select and manufacturer grouping
Filtration can now be based on a specific type of hardware, or several types, or the manufacturer in general.
Issues can be flagged and commented on directly from the Issues tab
5. Flagging directly from the Datagrid
Issues can be flagged and commented on directly from the Issues tab.
Fleet Health is a dynamically moving system, and various improvements are on the way. If you are interested to suggest an update or initiate a trial – do not hesitate to reach us!